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Personal blog dedicated to easy authentic Mexican recipes

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3 Easy Mexican Salsas for Snacking

I definitely relate with it as I love snacking, especially savoury, tangy snacks like these super yummy 3 Mexican salsas that I want to share with you. These salsas are some of my favourite Mexican snacks that I love to prepare for friends reunions or during the weekends for a Netflix marathon. What I like the most about these Mexican snacks is that they are super quick to prepare and cooking is not required at all! Additionally, these 3 Mexican salsas are healthy, light, stress-free and 100% vegan.

5 essential tips for amazing homemade Mexican salsas

Homemade Mexican salsas always add “un poquito mas” (something more) – more colour, more taste, more heat even more happiness to all your cooking not just Mexican food. After some research and a lot of practice, these are my 5 essential tips for amazing homemade Mexican salsas: 1. As soon as your ingredients are slightly soft take them out of the heat and let them cool down for about 10 minutes before blending. If you like smoky flavours in your salsas, roast the garlic and onion in a pan over low heat until softened and charred on all sides, 8-10 minutes.


Here it’s the perfect choice: Jicama (yam bean) & Pepino (cucumber) with chili-salt and lime mix. I haven’t know yet any Mexican who doesn’t have at least one bottle of Tajin at home even in Australia, where its price is more than double compared with how much it costs in Mexico. Jicamas, pepinos, tajin and some extra fresh lime juice is all you need to make this traditional Mexican snack by your own. Xx "Jicamas & Pepino with lime and chili-salt mix" is the perfect Mexican snack for this Australian summer.


Watermelon price and quality continues to be so great in Australia, you can’t miss to make this super healthy, tasty and refreshing Watermelon & Basil Mexican agua fresca (fresh fruit Mexican drink). This agua fresca is perfect for this time of the year (Spring in the Southern Hemisphere), and you only need 5 ingredients and 5 minutes preparation to have it on your table and be amazed by its unique exotic flavour. It’s a tradition I carry from my family in Mexico, where people love to drink aguas frescas on a daily basis and special celebrations. * Contain lots of vitamins, minerals and essential nutrients for your body This Watermelon & Basil Mexican style agua fresca is amazingly tasty and refreshing.

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