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Hi! I'm Lottie L'Amour, award winning plus-size fashion and beauty blogger.

Social Audience 12K
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how to navigate shopping for fat babes

Ever wanted to know how to navigate the wildness that is shopping for plus size clothes? Why don’t you grab a cuppa, stick your feet up and watch this? Make sure you have a pen handy to jot down the words of wisdom you’ll hear. When you’re done here, check out my shop to kick start your shopping habit!

The Fat Girls' Guide to Eating in Public

So, I went out to consciously report on what it was like to be fat and eating in public in three different places, in three different ways: * The fancy, fashionable bar with my thinner friend Eating with a smaller pal has it’s hazards too – being the fat friend brings with it the assumption of what food would be for you when it’s brought over. I did notice a few people looking around at us, in particular a group of men on the table in front of us kept looking over and making comments in another language that I didn’t understand, but it was obvious that they were talking about us, but let me tell you dear reader – I didn’t give a fuck! There’s something in being in a girl gang that really helps with the actual peril of daring to be fat and eating in public.

Festive Plus Size Fashion 101 with Simply Be

Well, I’ve teamed up with Simply Be to help banish a couple of body blues sent in from real But, if you’re having a particularly rubbish body day, my tried and true way to combat this particular body blues is to wear something WILD. The best way to avert people’s gazes are to knock them senseless with something so spectacular there won’t be time to focus on the other bits! This wide legged, kimono leopard print jumpsuit has lovely, silky fabric with lots of stretch, but it’s still thick enough to feel warm in and it has a great wrap over front

Of Homosexuality and Fatness

but more the kind where your imperfections shine out of you like inappropriate lighthouse beams alerting people to your rocky and weird terrain “Don’t crash your ships here guys! I know I feel weird Not weird as in queer but queer as in I sleep with women but also weird as in I stand out like the sorest thumb, on the biggest hand, attached to the largest person in the room with Pride and fatness Me, I, her, I’ve often felt like I just don’t fit in Like, you know how cats turn into liquid so the vessel they can fit in but not me, I’m no feline however I do purr when I feel fine Sometimes I think I’m getting somewhere the burden of weird feels less and I’m achieving success in the fields I want to roam in

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