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Sassy Mama to the Princess Nagger and Little Dude. Enjoy making grapes and various fruits into wine. Experiments with water currently underway.

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Notre Dame Fire and some Levity: Random Tuesday Thoughts

But at least his behavioral issues that were rearing their ugly head last year (with multiple playground scuffles and multiple trips to the principal’s office) have been much better this year (as in, no trips to the principal’s office), and his teacher this year has been really working one-on-one with him to nip some of the behavioral outbursts in the bud. I hope when he moves to middle school next year he’ll retain what he’s learning from this year’s awesome teacher! But, considering it’s stood for 856 years – to put that into perspective: That’s hundreds of years of conflicts, invasions, leaders, plagues, crusades, etc. Keeping the random alive (barely) – feel free to snag a badge and play along – one for my wino friends: And one for my non-wino friends: My friend MessyMimi participates in Happy Tuesday each week, so I thought I’d join in the fun, too!

Ho Hey let’s Start A Band that goes Something Just Like This because It’s Time so Can We Pretend?

The other was this song about starting a band that was pitched for my last record that I didn’t cut. This dance floor-ready song was premiered with a live performance by both groups at the 2017 BRITS Awards on February 22, 2017. The song is about a relationship that doesn’t need to be superhumanly perfect: I’m not looking for somebody / The song reminisces about a time before social media and 24-hour news feeds, when we didn’t have anywhere to post pics of said table dancing and you could look forward to running over to someone’s house to tell them what you’re thinking before they could read it on Twitter.

Spring Break has ended – onto Random Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts

Little Dude has early dismissal every single day – and by ‘early dismissal’, they’re promptly dismissed at noon each day, because this week is the spring edition of Parent-Teacher Conferences. They were promoting their cooling technology that keeps vegetables, fish and meat fresh for an extremely long time. For that purpose they developed food-dummies: fresh meat from an age of a time long, long ago. Keeping the random alive (barely) – feel free to snag a badge and play along – one for my wino friends: And one for my non-wino friends: My friend MessyMimi participates in Happy Tuesday each week, so I thought I’d join in the fun, too!

come Sit Next To Me and Leave a Light On because i am Broken & Beautiful to my Bones, but you’re My Miracle!

This next song was heard on one of my newest favorite shows, The Village, that airs on Tuesday’s on NBC, on the April 2nd episode. This song is this artist’s breakthrough single that is based on a friend of his who was struggling with drug addiction. : Last, but certainly not least, is a brand new song from one of my all time favorite country artists, that gives praise to a higher power in his unabashedly smitten new love song. The song is a tribute to the artist’s wife of 16 years, Kimberly Williams-Paisley (one of my favorite actresses), and spares no gushing bit of sentiment in describing his own whiskey-into-wine brush with divinity.

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