Cassandra Schmigotzki

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On the journey to improve my overall health and wellness, I lost 110 lbs and uncovered my passion and purpose of living.

Location Titusville, FL South
Country United States of America
Member Since DECEMBER 18, 2018
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longandwindingroadtowellness 3K Last Month Last 3 Months
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Can't Sleep? Could Air Pollution Be The Culprit?

Bad sleeping patterns are linked to all sorts of health conditions, and people that don’t get much sleep have a far higher risk of developing depression and anxiety. If you don’t have a clear air flow throughout the home, you are constantly breathing in that pollution and it could be having an impact on your sleep. In recent studies, researchers found that people that were exposed to high levels of common air pollutants are 60% more likely to have low sleep quality . If you’ve tried everything else and you can’t find any way to improve your sleep, you should look for ways to improve air quality around the home.

Holi Hai!

I'm both excited and nervous to teach as a part of BollyX's virtual Holi party today. The team at BollyX HQ decided to put together a 24-hour virtual event for Holi, full of 100+ instructors from around the world. In her opinion, there's no better way to celebrate this than being able to love yourself the way you are. She's spreading this message of self love and body positivity or neutrality and hopes that she will be a prime example to her daughters as they grow up.

How Holistic Health Can Make a Big Impact on Your Life

Taking a holistic approach to your body and your health can be a great way to ensure that your whole self is taken care of and that no single aspect is ignored or overused. It will also help you to recognize cause and effect in your health which can help you get to the root of problems and restore balance to your body and your life. With holistic medicine, you are more able to reach out to the different intersecting elements that lead to addiction and help it to stay in place so you can address those issues and lessen the addiction. Thinking about all of these parts of yourself together can help you to approach problems in smart ways that will help you to become healthier and stay healthy longer.

4 Ways To Better Your Wellbeing This Year

There are lots of outlets that you can have to get rid of the stress and to focus your attention elsewhere, however, it’s more about getting rid of the stress, to begin with. Whether it’s work worries or something that’s going on in your personal life, try to find ways that you can control the stress and perhaps reduce it from happening too often. Any health worries need to be addressed as soon as possible and so when it comes to your health and wellbeing, if you suspect that something isn’t quite right, then it’s good to get it checked out sooner rather than later. if you’re looking for a different form of stress relief and perhaps something that isn’t so intense as other workouts.

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