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The Magpie Girl: A UK Fashion & Lifestyle blog: Finn's Big Boy Bedroom Reveal...

To prepare for the baby coming and make the transition easier for Finn we decided to move him into our bigger spare bedroom and out of the nursery well before D-Day. I was so excited to have a new project to work on in the house and make this room really fun and feel like Finn

The Magpie Girl: A UK Fashion & Lifestyle blog: Wet weekends with a toddler...

Autumn is officially here and in Northern Ireland that nearly always means wet windy weather, and with a toddler to entertain staying in doors can get tiresome and boring pretty quick. Dave & I love taking Finn out and about especially to parks and places he can roam and explore and run around. When the weather is rubbish and we have done the usual soft play baby toddler places somewhere we always like to venture is the Botanical Gardens and indoor tropical ravineĀ and then round to the Ulster Museum and for coffee at Town Square. So if you are stuck for ideas some wet weekend and soft play aint your favourite place in the world, take a trip down to Belfast and explore the cacti and succulents!

The Magpie Girl: A UK Fashion & Lifestyle blog: Mastering my own home...

Home DIY and decor has been on my mind a lot lately, we have loads of exciting plans to re-do our ensuite and downstairs loo and utility room hopefully over the course of the summer. It may not be a big job for most but putting up a peg rail, drilling into my perfectly painted concrete walls made me kinda nervous. I used Alexa to first of all order the spirit level and nails I would need for the job, I then linked it with my fire stick and was able to watch a handy youtube tutorial on drilling into concrete walls before I began. The little wooden peg rail looks really well with some pretty accessories in my spare bedroom, which if you have missed I have documented the decorating process of in my insta stories.

The Magpie Girl: A UK Fashion & Lifestyle blog: Finn's Nursery Updates...

I found it really hard decorating Finn's nursery before he was born, before I knew his personality and what made him laugh and what he liked, which by the way is cars, cars, cars and more cars! When he's a little older and no longer sleeping in a cot I cant wait to decorate his whole room, add some different colour schemes and a teepee. The rocking fox was also a birthday gift and although it didnt get the best first reaction he now loves it, I think he thinks its another dog and pats it on the head alot which is pretty damn cute. We added this little storage basket from H&M to the side of the cot to hold some of Finns books that we read to him in the rocking chair before bed, its handy having them in arms reach.

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