Kastasha Harris

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🧘🏾‍♀️Better Sex Yoga Instructor 🌱Meditation Instructor @lotusroommeditation 👸🏾Writer w/ @newsbreak.app 🎙Host: @thenakedyogis ✨Flow W/ Me ⬇️⬇️

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The Reality of Postpartum Depression – Bend With Tasha

When we are young and having fun we do not think about the responsibilities that come with having a child or having a family. Today we are going to discuss Postpartum Depression; what are some of the signs, how it changes women and how important it is to have a strong support system during this time. The excitement of having a baby is still vibrating through your body, you do not realize your hormones have dropped; until one day the lack of sleep catches up to you and your spouse. You start to feel sad, you think about harming yourself, start losing interest in things that you love, and you start to worry about being a good mom.

Yoga Mats Are Like Falling in Love – Bend With Tasha

With the experience of having numerous mats, I decided to list the top 6 yoga mats to look out for during 2021. The Liforme Yoga mat comes in one size which is 185 cm long and 68 cm wide. This brand is one of the yoga mat brands to watch for because; their mats allow you to still have a great grip if you are doing hot yoga such as bikram or hot vinyasa. In addition to providing great yoga mats, they also provide a beginner guide for new yoga students which is a great way to give back.

How Setting an Intention Can Make or Break Your Yoga Session – Bend With Tasha

I wanted to be transparent in this article, I knew I could not be transparent unless I brought in the topic of how setting an intention can make or break your yoga session whether you are a newbie or advanced student. A dedication during a yoga session usually happens when student is dedicating their session to someone or something, allowing their positive energy to be transferred to someone or something. Setting a dedication or mantra allows you to dedicate your session to something much bigger than yourself. I was unaware of that losing interests of things that you enjoy, having trouble making decisions, having stressful changes in life, and worrying about being a good parent were all symptoms of Postpartum depression.

Jackfruit and Mushrooms Are My Best Friend – Bend With Tasha

When I first started my health journey it was painfully hard to slowly stop eating meat. I wanted to put healthy food into my body and I wanted to benefit from the nutrients that would go into my body such as clear skin, more energy, or just by having a healthier diet. A mushroom is not a meat or vegetable it is considered a fungi and mushrooms can be cooked many different ways as burgers, appetizers, or they can be used in a soup or broth. Now that we have the basics down; I wanted to list a few recipes that I found beneficial since I started my health journey.

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