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Fit Fierce and Fabulous Podcast | Keynote Speaker | Business Coach for Health and Wellness Entrepreneurs

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Organizing Your Home for More Energy In Your Life with Neat Method's Melanie Walker - Courtney Bentley

Tune in to NEAT Method’s Melanie Walker and learn where her passion for organizing came from and how she sees items as energy and helps people free up time, create space and create flow just by sharing this method with them. After this episode I bet you start cleaning out that junk drawer and start manifesting what you really want more of in your life! In This Episode You Will Learn: • How Instagram literally changed Melanie’s career and her path around Melanie Walker owner of NEAT Method Las Vegas is originally from San Francisco but has called Las Vegas home for the past 20 years.

A Medical Intuitive's Journey and Live Reading with Christine Lang - Courtney Bentley

Courtney chats with medical intuitive Christine Lang about her journey to finding her calling, why she is so passionate about her work and how she helps medical doctors with her gifts. Courtney gets a live reading with Christine Lang and starts to cry with the discovery she makes regarding her intolerances to certain foods and is amazed by her wisdom and insight regarding connecting with spirit. She cured her allergies, and along the way discovered her amazing gift – to see people’s energy and hear their Christine learned that our spirits use symptoms as a type of messaging system, alerting us to issues that are ready to be healed. What she learned was so profound that she left the practice of law so that she could help others hear the wisdom offered by their spirits – guidance that helps people heal their relationships, physical health, and careers.

Cellulite, Muscle Imbalances and Holistic Approach to Health with Dr. Ann Barter - Courtney Bentley

Throw away the creams that don’t work and get blown away by the remedies Dr. Ann Barter found like cupping and Graston as she was searching for natural remedies for her own health. Why learning about the entire body from a holistic standpoint changed Dr. Ann Barter’s life She has taken an interest in optimizing health by incorporating diet counseling, whole food supplementation, herbal therapy, wellness and lifestyle coaching, scar tissue work, deep tissue massage, and exercise programs. Many seemingly unrelated symptoms often arise from imbalances in the spinal column, extremities, biochemical disturbances, and stress and Dr. Barter will be able to determine the root of the problem and create a personalized chiropractic and wellness plan to suit each patient’s individual needs.

Growing Teami, Social Media Tips, and Advice from Adi Arezzini - Courtney Bentley

Imagine being so bloated you had to find a solution and you were willing to do whatever it took to find that solution. Imagine taking that solution and turning it into a multi-million dollar company just a few years later! That is exactly what Adi Arezzini did with Teami Blends

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