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Professional MAC trained Makeup Artist covering Bristol and the South West providing a high end bridal makeup service and covering all aspects of professional, editorial and commercial makeup. www.ellehitchens.co.uk

Social Audience 1K
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MASTERED: The Val Garland School of Makeup

A few weeks ago after reading some posts on a makeup artist thread on Facebook I came across Mastered: The Val Garland School of Makeup. Without giving a second thought – I’m fairly gungho in my approach to life, I try not to overthink things!… I applied to enrol

A serendipitous meeting!

She arrived with her niece and was feeling a little nervous about the whole thing as she doesn’t wear much makeup. We had got about two minutes in and she suddenly said “You’ve got a picture of my nephew! , she is the aunt of my husbands best friend, we must’ve met at his wedding last year where my husband was his best man – So happily for us both, i’ll be doing her makeup in the morning and then going back for the evening do, I think she’s quite pleased to have her own personal makeup artist on hand!

The easiest and cheapest way to get GREAT SKIN!

People often ask me the secret to great skin. As I suffer from Rosacea, I too am on hunt for the miracle product! I think I may have found the answer, for me anyway……WATER! It may be the simplest, easiest and cheapest way to improve your skin

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