Rach DiMare

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Quick Tips To Refresh Your Home After The Holidays

I definitely had the urge to do so, and since the new year (aka 2019 goals) I’ve been organizing, purging, and now refreshing the look of our home. I seriously love using trays for almost anything in our home especially if it has something to do with items in your home that have to be exposed or left on a counter, dresser, or shelf. Sounds odd to add tissues as part of refreshing your home, but it’s Winter & cold and people get sick. So I’ll admit, buying fresh cut flowers is not necessarily functional, but adding life (aside from humans) to your home really brightens up the space.

Travel Guide to Sintra: Day Trip From Lisbon

Which by the way, I’ve heard that Walt Disney was inspired by Pena Palace for Disneyland’s castle. We thought we were early by arriving at 10 am, and when we arrived at Pena Palace, there was already a very long line to get tickets. If you plan on seeing Pena Palace, I recommend using the tuk tuk. If you do end up going to other palaces and castles aside from Pena Palace, please let me know and share your thoughts!

12 Chic Affordable Teddy Coats

I’ve been wanting a teddy coat for awhile now, but the ones I kept seeing in the past  couple years were expensive, or at least I couldn’t justify the cost. I’ll be the first one to admit that I am not impressed with Shein’s teddy coat selections. So I am excited to share my first teddy coat, and I am so in love with it! After experiencing this length of a teddy coat, I’m now considering getting a more full-length teddy coat.

Travel Guide To Lisbon

I know I said I would get out the travel guide to Lisbon a couple weeks after the Barcelona guide, but if you’ve been following me, I mentioned that I wasn’t doing well in September and had to take a step back. This place is known for Pasteis de Belem, where the famous Lisbon pastry Pastel de Nata originated from. For instance, you can go to Sintra to see all the castles (like the infamous Pena Palace), and Belem (where Pastel De Nata started and the all time best pastel del nata). I don’t think there is time to see all of the places and castles in one day, so if you only have a day I recommend thinking ahead of time which ones you want to prioritize seeing.

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