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I'm a New York native with a passion for aquatic adventures. On the move since 2011, documenting every highlight and heartbreak along the way.

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Announcing Wander Women Red Sea: A Dive + Yoga Retreat • Alex in Wanderland

Yup, you read that right. For one of the final nights of the retreat, we’ll travel to the remote Bedouin settlement of Ras Abu Gallum by camel, and spend the night at a local beach camp there

Savannah's Prohibition Past -- And Where to Drink Today • Alex in Wanderland

As we waltzed in, prepared to be wowed, a plaque out front alerted us to the fact that America’s first act of alcohol prohibition in America was decreed right here in Savannah in 1735. But even without a cocktail to cap it off, The American Prohibition Museum provides a look at a past that is stark in contrast to the easygoing modern day drinking culture of Savannah. We bellied up to the Cocktail Room bar for a sample flight of Ghost Coast’s spirits and cocktails. It’s hard to find a list of best cocktail spots in Savannah that doesn’t rave about Artillery Bar.

A Sister Weekend in Savannah • Alex in Wanderland

The point is, once upon a time, I got into my top two art school choices, Savannah College of Art and Design and Brooklyn’s Pratt Institute, and at seventeen I had to decide if I wanted to be a city slicker or a southern belle. The Prohibition Museum, on the other hand, was fascinating — stay tuned for a full post on Savannah’s prohibition past, and it’s craft cocktail future. For our final dinner in Savannah, we we couldn’t have picked a more perfect spot than The Grey, a former Greyhound bus station converted into one of Savannah’s hippest and hardest-to-get dinner reservations. While I can’t say that I have the fondness for Savannah that I do for, say New Orleans or Nashville or other Southern cities I’ve visited, this was the perfect sister getaway (minus the strep throat, of course! )

The Summer Day • Alex in Wanderland

This post is about freezing a moment in time — perhaps one of the last “normal” moments I’d feel before our lives changed so drastically. This post is about trying to cram in every spare moment I could with my friends and family and friends who feel like family in Albany, despite the fact that I was run ragged and fighting off what I’d figure out later in Savannah was strep throat. Little did I know that I’d soon be spending sleepless nights wracking my brain questioning every decision I’d ever made that had taken me away from quality time at home. This post is about that last weekend at home, the last weekend I’d ever have in Albany where I was just the daughter

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