Lean McLeod

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Job Advice that empowers you. Job Search Coaching. ResumeColoringBook.com LeaMcLeod.com

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How to Get Interview Ready in 3 Hours

The first question they asked was, “Tell us what you know about the company and why you want to work here. She was able to give them a concrete, well thought out point of view about them, and why she wanted to work there, in spite of her short prep time. * Take what you’ve learned in hour 1 and start talking out loud, as if you were telling a friend about this organization. In the interview, you don’t want to be “composing and delivering,” you want to be delivering great responses.

New Grad: 5 reasons to target your desired employers

When clients contact me for help in their job search, they often aren’t sure what exactly they are pursuing. They may not have a clear idea of what qualities they want in a job, what industries they want to work in, or even what specific employers they want to focus on. Without focus your job search may feel like you’re getting up and trying to boil the ocean every day. I don’t even know where they want to work, what kind of industry they are looking for, or even the kind of company they’d like to pursue.

5 Rules for Reaching Out to a Reference You Haven't Talked to in Forever

You really only have one choice then: You’re going to have to bite the bullet and rekindle the relationship. If you believe he will give you an excellent reference, follow the five tips below: Start by simply owning the fact that you haven’t been in touch. Instead of beating yourself up because you aren’t sure you “deserve the reference,” remind yourself that people are busy and it’s unlikely this contact is going to scoff when he sees your name pop up in his inbox. Instead, follow these steps to make a long-lost manager your most ardent advocate and the best possible contact for all potential jobs.

5 Strategies That'll Help Convince Your Team That a "New and Different" Way Isn't Scary

If you’ve ever had to switch from a PC to a Mac or vice versa, you understand that change isn’t easy. So, what do you do when you want to introduce new ways of working, but find employees resolutely clinging to their old school predilections? If there’s one thing we know about today’s workplace, it’s that it will never stop changing. Address the fear of failure up front, encourage employees to learn from and support one another, and create a sense of community around big changes.

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