Dr. Gia Sison

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This page is an extension of the blog Sand and Stone which speaks about life, love and happiness.

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How to Set Your Personal Boundaries

Here are some tips to start with: Good boundaries are set when you know where you stand and having to know this doesn’t have to be so tedious, you may want to take into consideration what you can tolerate and accept and what makes you feel uncomfortable. A typical example is relationships where couples might need to talk about how much time they need to maintain their sense of self and how much time to spend together. Toxic relationships or environment are draining and while the phrase “no choice” exists, well, in reality, there is always a choice, you just need to realize, respect and proactively react enough to let go of this toxic culture. If you find yourself feeling a bit “not so ready” in being able to set boundaries, then seeking help in how to do it will help.

9 Mindsets That You Need To Change

Recalling the terrible days that have happened to you and days when you thought that you simply just can’t pull through, these are the days when you need to begin to love yourself enough to acknowledge, accept and here goes… move on. Realize that you don’t need to be productive all the time what matters is the small steps you take towards achieving your goals and it doesn’t equate to getting pressured into productivity and achievement always I don’t want to show my real emotions, people think I’m strong, showing it might make them think I’m weak. Let go of the need to please others to make you feel good, besides they don’t need to live up to the consequence of your decisions.

How to Handle Med Life Crisis

* You’re totally lost, not literally, but you just feel like you’re stuck. Although I didn’t allow it to overcome my duty as a medical clerk back then I still didn’t understand why I had those thoughts, and when I did self-internalization I didn’t have any other issue except med life-related challenges add to that the fact that it was both physically and emotionally draining having to go on 24-36 hour duties then. Sometimes all you need is a little dash of patience, it can’t come like instant noodles, the more you squeeze your brain for answers the more it will evade you, besides the journey of having it all figured out is the whole meaning of what life is. Whenever you come to a point where it gets tired and draining it’s nice to reground yourself by asking your primary purpose on why you’re doing what you’re doing.

On Finding Purpose in Life

We often look for meaning in our lives unknowingly subjecting ourselves to something that’s passive, we wait for it to pass by but we miss on the fact that meaning comes in when we begin to create the moments that lead to this, it does not come in a silver platter ready to be served, we need to act on it to make it happen. We are all broken and scarred but the real meaning of all the pain and struggles we undergo is for us to learn, and keep learning and eventually gain the strength we need to move forward. It is important to find and get hold of our passion, but this one takes time, and curiosity into something may lead you towards finding your real passion. The reality of all these things comes into play in the future when you begin to look back and realize that the present couldn’t have occurred had not the past happened.

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