Nancy Brier

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writer, bread baker, walnut farmer, entrepreneur, wife, mom, sister, friend… fighting triple neg cancer #binders

Social Audience 3K Last Month
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Aviate, Navigate, Communicate

“Could I have some water?” Gary bent his head closer. Apparently, my husband couldn’t hear me

How to Tell Your Kid You Have Cancer: 7 Things You Need to Know

The hardest part of cancer? That’s a loaded question, but telling my kid about it ranks up there at the top of that list. Lauren had just turned ten when my husband and I found a lump in my breast

Fingers on My Breast, Questions on My Mind

While my doctor’s fingers massaged my breasts and cradled my hard, almond-sized lump, we had a peculiar conversation. She was from the Bay Area but traveled to tiny Lakeport for a brief assignment

The Luck of the Draw

Through the unlikeliest of circumstances, I found myself in a first class seat on a flight to Guatemala this week. They actually served warm almonds in fine china

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