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Things I'm Doing More + Less Often

Hi! I hope everyone has had a great start to their 2019. Andrew and I had a great three weeks in Thailand

Feeling Stuck: A Follow-Up

A lot of that was spent digging into self-help books, journaling, and practicing different forms of meditation. I’ve taken opportunities to speak out, finding that it forms a deeper connection with the people I make myself vulnerable to. Through reiki, I’ve met so many like-minded people on different stages of their own spiritual journey. A meditation teacher told me there’s no turning back once you’ve taken the red pill.

One Thing At A Time

My brain can’t slow down when I’m going through my day like it’s a race. Even when I’m doing multiple things at once I’m also thinking about what I have to do next. Doing one thing at a time means doing less, so I have to carefully choose how I want to spend each hour of my day. It doesn’t mean I start scarfing down meals or removing Queer Eye from my life.

Preparing for Autumn

Because of this and the season’s placement between warm and cold temperatures, fall signifies a time of balance and transition. It’s a great time to air things out, dust off cabinets, wash bedsheets, mop the floor, and donate or throw out things we no longer use. To transition my closet, I go through my summer clothes, purging anything I didn’t wear all season, and packing up what I want to keep for next year. I’ll then sort through my fall and winter clothes, donating what I don’t like or doesn’t fit me anymore, and hang up the rest in my closet.

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