Audrey Birt

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Coach and consultant and Associate Director for Health and Social Care Academy, transforming leadership and in health and social care. FRSA

Social Audience 2K
  • Moz DA 15
  • Medical Health
And breathe

That experience drew me to approach my creative writing tutor Helen Boden ( i go to her class in which we write about art around galleries in Edinburgh) with the suggestion we jointly facilitate a retreat with creative writing, mindfulness and coaching. We’ve built up from one day to a weekend and this year at the end of April we offer a Monday to Friday opportunity to restore, reflect and review in the most beautiful of settings near Falkland in Fife. My learning in my long and ongoing journey with pain and treatment for cancer is to improve, we need to give space and time to enable healing to happen. We need to create our own way of healing and it takes time and focus and self care daily.

But it doesn’t match!

I have a thing about things matching. I blame my mother of course

At least.....

This blog is about my thoughts on my own experience of breast cancer, my passion for improving health and healthcare and about heartful leadership in all areas of life. I have had breast cancer three times in my life

An unhealthy denial: Brexit vs Cancer

There is something quite synchronistic about going through this uncertain, painful and frankly scary time in my personal life at the same time as Brexit approaches. The runaway trains on similar tracks creating a shared sense of defencelessness

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