Cafe with Michelle

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† believer ☕️ coffee junkie 💍 wifey 🐾 fur momma 🗣 fluent in Spanglish 📸 lifestyle blogger sharing all things life🌻💛

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CWM Book Club: Little Fires Everywhere

The first being a beloved suburban family living a picture perfect life with an intelligent and privileged mother of four, Elena, who sees true success to mean balancing a nuclear family and a career. Does Elena’s privilege force her to see Mia as inferior for living a nomadic lifestyle or is the reality that these women are not meant to connect because they are controlled by their circumstances. She sets off to create a life that fits in with her family’s legacy and puts her wants and desires on the back burner to uphold the image of a perfect family; until the curtains are pulled back and the chaos that is her life starts to burn. In the book the character, Izzy, is portrayed as the family’s black sheep who is constantly rebelling against her mother’s picture-perfect lifestyle.

Journey to Parenthood: Pregnancy

A week or so later I had an actual appointment and I was able to voice all my other concerns and was finally able to go on maternity leave a couple weeks early and self-quarantine and cancel our baby shower. I honestly thought the 4 weeks before birth would be spent enjoying girl time with my besties, doing a maternity photoshoot and spending a lot of money at Target and TJ Maxx to get the nursery ready.. But instead I spend all day at home avoiding the news and watching YouTube videos to help me prepare for labor and birth since the hospital has cancelled all birthing classes. With this pandemic still out of control instead of planning our child’s coming home outfit, we are praying that my husband can be with me during labor and stay with us after birth.

Kat Von D Beauty – VoxBox

Not only am I loving Kat Von D Beauty’s True Portrait foundation but it allowed me to have some Halloween fun. I have received my third Go Big or Go Home mascara! You can do a light coat to add a “pow” to your look or do multiple coats for a more dramatic-no-clump look. In testing out my Halloween look, I knew this liner would be create to create smooth and defined lines.

Fall Favorites

mom life in 2020! . beyond excited to see what 2020 brings and what boy-mom-life is like 💙 we cannot wait to welcome in our baby boy in a few months and experience so many new firsts with him. . I got to experience so many wonderful moments with family and friends and unfortunately had to say goodbye to someone so special to me. I trust that this new year will be full of even greater blessings for my little family 👪💙 .

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