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Wife-mom to 2 toddlers-lawyer-runner-health junkie. Hoping to inspire others to live a healthy lifestyle.

Social Audience 85K Last Month
  • Moz DA 14

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  • Cooking
  • Healthy Cooking and Eating
  • Family and Relationships
  • Healthy Living
  • Traveling
Pasta with Peas & Garlic

This buttery pasta dish made with Brummel and Brown’s Organic Buttery Yogurt spread, peas & garlic is so it good It’s no secret I’m a huge fan of simple recipes that are easy to make, require real food ingredients and are kid friendly. My kids absolutely love buttery noodles so this dish was inspired by their love for noodles and my love of incorporating vegetables and good for you organic ingredients in our meals. Next, add in Italian parsley, basil and remaining Brummel & Brown Organic Buttery Yogurt Spread and stir for one minute.

A day in the life of

7:00 am get home, jump in the shower and get as ready as fast as possible before the kids wake up and if the kids are up then as fast as possible to spend time with them. it’s time to finish feeding the kids and get ready for work. If I’m not faced with any deadlines or meetings, I usually spend the first 30 minutes of my day catching up on emails, blogs and instagram 12:00 pm Lunch Time! On days where I work from home, I pack my lunch and bring it into the office to avoid wandering into the kitchen and to try and keep my workday in the work zone.

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