Caroline Olesky

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I am a college lifestyle and fashion blogger based out of Boston. I write about clothing, accessories, college, DIYs, and Greek life.

Member Since JULY 23, 2019
Social Audience 3K
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This member has not connected a professional Instagram account.

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  • Travel
Weekly Wrap Up #4 2019

We went shopping and then to King’s Beach which had beautiful views of the lake and the mountains. We drove back that night, sad to leave Tahoe behind July 22, 2019: I spent most of the day working on the blog and don’t have a single picture. July 25, 2019: I finally got to post my Palm Beach Sandal giveaway! I also got a fun package from Rimmel and spent a lot of time working on the blog.

Shopping For Sorority Recruitment—Boutiques and TJ Maxx

Today I’m going to be sharing with you some pieces I’ve found while shopping recently that would be great for sorority recruitment. I would like to preface this post by saying that all of these opinions are my own, they do not reflect the Eta Chi Chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta, Boston University Panhellenic, or Kappa Alpha Theta Fraternity. What I talk about in this post are outfits that I think would be appropriate, cute, and comfortable for recruitment and are not meant to help you get into a specific sorority or a sorority at all. A neutral dress can be dressed up or down depending on which day of recruitment you’re wearing it I went shopping for these pieces at my local TJ Maxx as well as at boutiques in Lake Tahoe, but you can find clothes for recruitment anywhere, and they definitely don’t have to be expensive.

Weekly Wrap Up #3 2019

I checked out a lot of different stores, but only ended up picking out two new pairs of my favorite jeans, the Levi’s 711 skinny, because they had a sale going. One of the highlights of this day was stopping at McDonald’s and eating 20 McNuggets after not eating all day (this is not healthy and I do Had a very lowkey day cleaning my room and packing to go to Lake Tahoe with Mikayla and Mallory. We left for the lake around 6, stopped for dinner at In N Out, and made it to Mikayla’s cabin before midnight.

Plan With Me For Sophomore Year

Today I’m going to be sharing with y’all how I’m going to be planning my classes, blog, and extracurriculars for my sophomore year of college! I’ll compare my senior year planner to my new planner and explain my preferences. One thing I really liked was that each day was about the size of a Post-It note, allowing me add a sticky if I needed more space or wanted to create a weekly to-do list, like to one in the far right photo. I knew I wanted to use stickers a lot in my planner this year, so I greatly appreciate the included stickers.

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