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A Lifestyle Blog Based in San Francisco

Social Audience 22K
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What’s Your Brainfood?

and we have all things we find easier and other things we find to be more challenging. Instead I’m a fan of things like Armchair Expert (because I love hearing success stories and their Experts on Experts series), The Wellness Mama (I can read about nutrition and wellness ALL DAY so hearing it is right up my alley), and Grammar Girl (because I love writing and need to stay on top of my game for work!). But to keep up, I take Duolingo every day and it is a gratifying thing to feel like I’m keeping an old skill alive and not letting it fall by the wayside as I dive deeper into adulthood.

Boss Ladies Series: Stand-up Comedian Esther Povitsky

In spirit of that, I am so excited to feature not only an awesome stand-up comedian, but a kickass boss lady who is going for her goals and sharing her talents. As a former musical theater kid, I know how hard it is to perform so I am always in awe of stand up comedians who find a way to be creative and perform as themselves—a huge challenge that takes a ton of guts and heart. : Chipotle Dream Vacation: Seeing musicals in New York Dream Venue to Perform In: The stage of the Elvis 1968 comeback special If you could have lunch with one woman, who would it be and why? And don’t forget to follow Punch Line’s IG next Wednesday, as well as my own IG, because I will be taking over their account and discussing the awesome, hilarious experience I am in for at her show!

Clean Living: Public Goods

One of the most interest parts of “spring” or in this case “late summer” cleaning, is what to do with all your beauty and cleaning products, as well as your food. But no matter what with food, beauty, and cleaning products, I always go through a phase of using them all up so I can get rid of them As a blogger, and one who really loves beauty and skincare, I get to try so many amazing products, but these I genuinely loved and were really STAND OUTS… so much so that I signed up for the box immediately. All in all, I’m a huge fan and I am lucky enough to get to try so many different products through blogging, but Public Goods has for sure stolen my heart!

Current Favorite Things

Summer is always a great time of year to discover new things, whether it’s new books, shows, or outfits. Since I read a lot on a Kindle (even though I love actual books more, Kindles are better for travel…), I needed to reconsider how I read. What I do like about commuting is it gives me a good, daily opportunity to listen to podcasts, read my books, catch up on the phone, or learn something. Playing with my niece and nephew, summer reading, going to amusement parks, the smell of chlorine and barbecue, and watching shows like Stranger Things that are reminiscent of simpler times of kids enjoying their summers, biking all over, and going on adventures.

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