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The Importance of Mentorship

And see­ing one­self more clear­ly can cer­tain­ly help us iden­ti­fy areas that need improve­ment so we can become bet­ter lead­ers, employ­ees, and human beings, but it can also help us take a step back and see just how amaz­ing we are as well. it’s worth point­ing out that 75% of women exec­u­tives sur­veyed in a recent KPMG study expe­ri­ence imposter syn­drome, often defined as a col­lec­tion of feel­ings of inad­e­qua­cy that per­sist despite evi­dent suc­cess. I believe all lead­ers should have a coach/mentor they can learn from, who can help them grow per­son­al­ly and pro­fes­sion­al­ly — some­one who can help you work on your flaws and show­case your strengths. But, as Mah­mud points out, “It’s impor­tant to remem­ber that great men­tors don’t need to be supe­ri­ors.

5 Universal Lessons Learned from Journalists over the Past 12 Months

We reached out to some friends in the media – WCCO-TV anchor Frank Vas­cel­laro, Twin Cities Busi­ness Magazine’s Edi­tor-in-Chief This is some­thing we’ve known all along, but it became more impor­tant than ever in 2020 and now in 2021 to “read the room” and decide when is the right time to pitch a sto­ry (or make any pub­lic announce­ment). From my past life in TV news as a reporter, to my cur­rent work as a talk show host and com­men­ta­tor for oth­er out­lets, the best PR pitch­es are the ones that know my style, under­stand how I cov­er things on my show, and don’t send blan­ket press releases. It may seem small, but it’s vital in our visu­al world today.” Mak­ing things as easy as pos­si­ble for the reporter/producer to do their job will help get your sto­ry covered.

Spotlighting Pandemic Innovations: Sharing Digi-Key’s Lifesaving Work with the World

Right away when the ven­ti­la­tor short­ages began in ear­ly 2020, Digi-Key teamed up with physi­cians at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Min­neso­ta, and sev­er­al oth­er local com­pa­nies, to help devel­op the Coven­tor, the first ven­ti­la­tor approved for use under the FDA’s Emer­gency Use Autho­riza­tion for the COVID-19 out­break. While one team of Digi-Key’s engi­neers were work­ing on the Coven­tor, anoth­er team was simul­ta­ne­ous­ly invent­ing new tech­nol­o­gy for their own inter­nal oper­a­tions, to dis­in­fect the thou­sands of totes that car­ry prod­uct through the Digi-Key ware­house daily. Part­ners shared these inno­v­a­tive and unique pan­dem­ic solu­tions wide­ly with media local­ly, nation­al­ly and glob­al­ly, and they were cov­ered every­where from the Thief Riv­er Falls Times to the Star Tri­bune, MPR, NBC affil­i­ates around the coun­try, Indus­try Week, FOX News, and in sev­er­al promi­nent indus­try pub­li­ca­tions in Europe and Asia. While not the sto­ries we expect­ed to tell on behalf of Digi-Key last year, we’re proud to sup­port their inno­va­tion, and delight­ed to help them be rec­og­nized on a glob­al lev­el for the many ways they’ve

The Power of Graphic Design for PR Strategy

On a week­ly basis, we’re cre­at­ing ele­ments like info­graph­ics, brochures and social graph­ics – and the best part, it’s all root­ed in the client It’s always been a dream of mine to work for an arts non­prof­it, so it was hard for me to decide to leave Heart of Dance and com­mit to Bell­mont Part­ners full-time. That’s the pow­er of graph­ic design, and why it’s become such an impor­tant part of the work we do here at Bell­mont Part­ners for our clients. I enjoy cre­at­ing the designed reports for our clients that cap­ture the impact and results of our work in a fun, visu­al way.

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