, the Harbour Bridge smacks you between the eyes, and just as you take that in, think it couldn’t possibly get any better, look to the left and there is the Opera House gleaming against Australia’s perfect and very own shade of blue (never gets old to me)….but yesterday, was firstly loaded into a cattle pen before embarking (people wearing mostly black and business shoes) and there was no full heart gazing out of the window at all (everyone bored), the ferry was loaded down to the point that not another passenger could get on, a bell sounded and off we trundled with every single person looking down at their phone (gobsmacked)
It was a long and good day and the same on the way back with everyone loaded on at five o’clock, all took heads down to the phones, while outside the window a fabulous Sydney-sider pink and purple sky unfolded over the sea (did not take photo as was inside as was icy
I promise I will not start going all black and moody though, or doing those scary taken from above spreads of perfectly styled food ‘gatherings’ on black with ghost-like hands coming in from all angles without heads or bodies, shudder.
abeachcottage), I have some homework to do and a kitchen to pack up and get empty to paint…bring on white floors, bring on clean cupboards, bring on white tiling, bring on butler sinks.