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Roaming Londoner with an online diary, of sorts.

Head over to The Londoner for the full picture!

Social Audience 1M
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The Londoner

How did this happen?! My tiny little bug has grown up so much! When she arrived she was far too small for any of the newborn clothes I’d bought for her, I blinked and now she’s outgrown them all. She’s two months old later this week and we’re already out of newborn, out of 0-3m and well into 3-6m pyjamas… someone please press pause? It’s going by too fast! Every day I fall more and more in love with her

Lessons In Breastfeeding

A creamy, honey-like milk full of protein, fat and potassium, it lines your baby’s gut, giving their immune system a supercharged boost. You actually continue producing this amazing stuff for the first year of breastfeeding, but after the first couple of days it becomes diluted with much more milk, which your baby will gulp down like there’s no tomorrow! I feel like I’ve learned so much in the last few weeks, and while it wasn’t easy it’s been worth every second. So even if you don’t feel like there’s loads there, don’t panic.

Mother's Day

I haven’t written to you much recently as I’ve been lost in a world of lavender baby baths, cashmere blankets and teeny tiny pyjamas. All the eggs a woman will ever carry form in her ovaries while she is a four-month-old fetus in the womb of her mother. This means our cellular life as an egg begins in the womb of our grandmother. Each of us spent five months in our grandmother’s womb and she in turn formed within the womb of her grandmother.

The Londoner

My incredible mother had suffered terribly for years and years with miscarriages, I wasn’t allowed to ask about my sister’s birth because “It’ll only scare you and put you off My kind hearted husband sat beside me and said you know what, I think this is all going to be too much for you, let’s just book a caesarean. It’s a brilliantly simple, easy read that essentially breaks down everything you need to know about pregnancy and birth. It’s also the first time I considered home birth, as statistically it has the lowest risk of things going wrong.

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