Chrysalis Pipkin

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hello my name is Chrysalis! i am a beauty, motherhood and lifestyle influencer. i focus on natural products and living your best life!


Location Effort, PA
Country United States of America
Member Since MARCH 22, 2019
Social Audience 16K
  • Moz DA 3
chrysy7 17K Last Month Last 3 Months
  • Posts 0 0
  • Engagement Rate 0.0% 0.0%
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  • Sponsored Engagement Rate N/A N/A
  • Avg Likes 0 0
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  • Career Advice
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  • Healthy Cooking and Eating
  • Parenting
  • Style & Fashion
  • Beauty
  • Cycling
  • Track and Field
My "why" and why I choose to work with Monat ♡

My hair always "looked good" but it never felt the way these products have left hair. (although they are unbelievably amazing) it's the company, the teams, the culture and the word they love to use "gratitude". That is the way I have always been raised, the way I learned to live my life. Now I'm not just a SAHM trying to become an Influencer and trying to get paid (not worth my value) by brands.

Super Comfort with Dr. Scholls ♡

The first one is the Dr. Scholl’s® Stylish Step® Soft Cushioning Insoles for Casual & Fashion Sneakers The second product I revieved where the Dr. Scholl’s® Stylish Step® High Heels Invisible Cushioning Insoles. If you wear heels then you have gone through the excruciating pain of having to deal with this. If not you have too, honestly super comfortable in your sneakers and if you wear shoes and heels, definitely helps with the pain.

My Smile Teeth Whitening Kit mini Review

Our kit includes an LED Accelerator light that speeds up the whitening process. None Design for SENSITIVE TEETH: our special Non-Sensitive formula makes it perfect for sensitive teeth. kit includes 3 packs of 3mL teeth whitening gel tubes; non-sensitive formula with Carbamide Peroxide; 1 LED Light; 1 Month Tray. ERASER: help to remove stains safely and efficiently from coffee, wine, soda, tea, smoking and more; visible results with just one treatment.

Neutrogena Makeup Remover Eraser Stick

, it is a makeup remover stick, so its basically a makeup remover in a solid form that can eraser unwanted messes!!! As a mom of two toddlers i'm constantly rushing to get my face done, i try to start getting ready at least an hour or two before we have to leave. You know do my hair, make up and freshen up before getting the kids ready and the diaper bag sorted and all the other lose ends that fall on mom/wife... I hope this was semi helpful, I've attached my video to this and hope that you could let me know your thoughts...

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