Paul Sian

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Residential and commercial real estate sales consulting.

Location Cincinnati, OH
Country United States
Member Since JUNE 24, 2018
Social Audience 16K
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Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky Real Estate Blog

Waterfront properties for some are highly desirable either for the ability to use a boat or some sort of other water recreation vehicle or for the great views. Also depending on whether the water levels can come up to or beyond the house the house may need to be raised in order to limit its exposure to the water. In order to make sure the house is setup properly from the start homebuyers should make sure their builders are using qualified engineers to analyze the ground below where the house will be built in order to make sure the right type of foundation support is used. If you are considering an existing waterfront home then in addition to having a regular home inspection it would be wise to have a structural engineer look over the home to make sure the foundation is strong and secure so that your investment does not go floating off into the water or get damaged due to a shifting foundation.

Should I Have An Indoor Air Quality Test Done?

With new studies and research indicating indoor air quality is a factor in human health the ability to test that indoor air quality for potentially harmful substances may be important to you. If you have an existing home you don’t intend to sell anytime soon, having the indoor air quality tested can allow you to determine if you should make some changes or investments in order to improve your indoor air. Home sellers can also can also benefit by having their home tested for indoor air quality by showing that their home’s air is indeed good quality or by showing the extra steps taken to improve the quality. Mold testing should also not just look for surface mold problems but also check for airborne mold as well as airborne mold could indicate the presence of mold in the HVAC system, in the interior walls which cannot be easily seen.

Great Social Media Platforms To Use For Real Estate

Being a social media aficionado I find myself with many social media apps on my smartphone and using those many different social media platforms to share my knowledge. Not only do I share my own content on social media and I am also sharing the content of other experts through my social media accounts as can be seen by my articles 35 Top Bloggers and Social Media Power Players and by my Best of 2015 Real Estate Articles. Content curation social networks like,, and others help social media sharers organize the content they want to share in one easy location. What to Post on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Instagram for Real Estate by Katherine Tattersfield posting on 3 Tips for Social Media Success for Real Estate Agents by Kyle Hiscock posting on About the author

How To Avoid Closing Cost Sticker Shock

Credit Report Fee: The credit report fee is a fee that is charged by the lender to run your credit report and check your credit score as part of the loan application process. Origination Fee/Processing Fees/Underwriting Fees: These fees are charged by a lender for giving you a mortgage loan. Under the VA Loans some costs such as termite/pest inspection fees, lender attorney fees, lender document fees, notary fees and more are not allowed to be paid by the buyer. The FHA loan credit requirements are not as strict as that of the conventional loan which makes this a much better option for many buyers who are unable to bring more than 10% down towards down payment on the home and are looking for the seller to help pay a larger portion of the closing costs.

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