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Christmas prep, garden, books

I realise that cabbage ware will probably look a little odd for Christmas to those in the Northern Hemisphere, however we could easily have a very very hot day, and it's highly likely that the children will all be swimming post Christmas lunch. So, festively themed green cabbage ware, the antique silver cutlery, the Waterford Crystal glasses (which long term blog readers will remembered I purchased at estate auction for $20/ glass a few years ago and so will happily put in the dishwasher) and silver Christmas crackers and giant baubles as centrepieces will be the order of the day I think. And finally, if you were are an Australian based graduate of The Inchbald School of Design in London in either Landscape or Interiors, and you'd be interested in getting in touch with others here, then please email nicola(at)nicolalawrence.com.au, or me on anadelaidevilla (at) bigpond.com  as we're trying to get together a group. Long term blog readers will know that I am of the opinion that lack of retailing of good quality interiors fabrics and wallpapers is detrimental to the design environment as a whole here, so I think it is fabulous that Nicola is making these brands available in a way they'd usually not be (as they're to the trade only).

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