A Wealth of Common Sense

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A Wealth of Common Sense is a blog that focuses on wealth management, investments, financial markets and investor psychology.

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Some Things I Don’t Know

For instance, did you know the visible universe is one million million million million miles across. Is it possible the pandemic has pulled forward so much technological demand that more and more young people are going to prefer online life to the real world? Now that it looks like we’re in the midst of a huge economic recovery with more government spending on the way, it would make sense that value stocks should outperform growth stocks, at least for a while. Or is it possible investors lost their minds and simply pulled forward returns and valuations for tech stocks got out of hand because of the pandemic?

Talk Your Book: Investing in Freedom

On today’s Talk Your Book, we spoke with Perth Tolle from Life+Liberty Indexes. The enormous gap between EM market cap and EM population • Contact us at animalspiritspod@gmail.com with any questions, comments, feedback or recommendations. Check out our t-shirts, coffee mugs, stickers and other assorted swag here.

The Simplest Asset to Hedge Against Inflation

First of all, a shorter maturity is a benefit in a rising rate environment because you can quickly roll over cash equivalents like t-bills or short-term bonds into new bonds with higher yields. There were the nominal returns for long-term government bonds, 5 year treasuries and one-month t-bills during this time along with their corresponding volatilities: Obviously, the returns for each were still under the rate of inflation. This is why long-term assets like stocks and short-term assets like cash can make for a decent inflation-hedged portfolio. Stocks can help protect you against long-term inflation while cash can allow you to use any short-term inflationary spikes to redeploy faster at higher rates.

Animal Spirits: The Recession is Over

Check out the Impact Dashboard to create a positive impact on your investments. There’s a 30% chance Michael is going to end up in a Michael Lewis book Isn’t the inflation risk worth it if we can decrease child poverty? How a 10 second video clip sole for $6.6 million

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