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Interesting Stuff From Around The Web #240 – April 6, 2019

Every week I like to share a few things I find interesting. Mostly video content with an occasional website article

Interesting Stuff From Around The Web #239 – March 30, 2019

If you’re like me, at some point you have ended up with a “battery droor” where all of the different types of batteries you need end up strewn about requiring a mad dash of quick sorting, inevitably finding out you need to run to the store to buy some more 9Vs. This great idea from Fisher’s Shop makes battery storage not only a breeze but a nice, functional piece to bring organization and open up the battery drawer for other purposes: like more tool storage. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKo6LouIp-TQ1PqxbWNNyAA I’m not sure when industrial plastic wrap and scotch tape became part of the minimalist survival kit, but if you ever find yourself out in the wilderness and happened to bring along the trusty plastic wrap and scotch tape, you might give this kayak build a try. However, the shield, throughout history was an integral part of a warrior’s gear This Sekiro Wrist Mounted Fold out shield not only looks cool, but could also come in handy if you find yourself in hand to hand combat during the zombie apocalypse.

Interesting Stuff From Around The Web #238 – March 23, 2019

This video from Field to Farm demonstrates how to use pallets to keep the cost of building that new shed, mancave, game room, etc.low enough for even the tightest budgets. This video from Old Hickory Forge showcases a few additional basic twists you can add to your metalworking to add some flare to your work. There are center finders you can buy to help make sure you get your piece balanced perfectly between centers, and for square stock, it is fairly simple to find the center by drawing lines from corner to corner. If you find yourself with cylindrical stock without the center marked and need to find it quickly, this small jig can be a real time saver.

Vlog 140: baby, post, table, stuff

I’ll be at the Garland, Texas, Rockler store on Saturday, April 13, from 9 am – 12 pm and the Frisco, Texas, Rockler store on Sunday, April 14, from 11 am – 1 pm. I’ll switch my shirt sales back to SpreadShirt or something similar to offer more designs once again. Up next in no particular order: coffee table drawers, dry erase board, a couple around-the-shop tasks. She’s sleeping through the night and her nap and food schedule is like clockwork.

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