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Beacon Hotel New York review

It’s not hard to get anywhere in New York, and you’ll be travelling widely to enjoy all the city has to offer. If you are new to the town, you might look at a map and think it’s all very walkable

Where to stay in Bangkok

Here’s where to stay in Bangkok in the midst of Chinatown’s teeming markets. Discover why you’ll enjoy this hotel stay with EDBK’s Shanghai Mansion review

British Pop artist Peter Phillips launches in Noosa with Noosa Food & Wine

Pop Art in Britain was in part a symptom of the British class rebellion during the 1960s that produced a burst of freshness, originality and energy. It was only in art but also in fashion, pop culture and especially pop music. I don’t think Pop Art in England would have come about had it not been for the fact that the art schools suddenly started accepting more people from a working-class background,” says Phillips. Visits to funfairs, the consumption of imagery from mass-circulation magazines and pin-up calendars, photography, television and movies, a love of cars and motorbikes and inevitably a young man’s sexual impulses all provided inspiration for paintings he made at the Royal College between 1959 and 1962.

Playful dining at Salon de Co in Ovolo Inchcolm

Full of playful twists on Australian cuisine, the Salon de Co menu comes from newcomer head chef Andy Ashby and one of Ovolo Hotels’ creative culinary partners, Ian Curley. Think Queensland spanner crab with burnt butter and macadamia or Maremma tea smoked duck with rosella and beetroot. Hidden within the historic building on Wickham Terrace at Spring Hill, the intimate and eclectic 30-seat restaurant embraces the 1930s-era building’s rich in history. You will be tempted to browse the bookshelf décor which goes all the way back to the roaring 1920s, revolutionary 30s and ruckus 40s.

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