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Professional Business and Executive Life Coaching at for those wanting an inspired life and wholehearted success, with Master Coach Steve Mitten CPCC, MCC.

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Business Coach, Life Coach & Leadership Development Mentor

One of the most common, and socially acceptable, avoidance behaviours is simply keeping busy, because if we keep really busy, we won’t have time to let the scary thoughts or emotions rise in our awareness. Secondly, when you face your fears, and shift your attention from perpetually feeding the story surrounding the threat, (via avoidance behaviours, belief, or the granting of attention) to simply observing anything else, including the bodily sensations you are currently experiencing, or better yet the blank knowing space between your thoughts, the scary story begins to fade. Here is the third and fourth installment of my video series designed to help small business owners, coaches, consultants, independent professionals and other solopreneurs get far more business online. In this video I cover some of the key principles and best practices, as well as the most common mistakes small business owners make on their websites.

Business Coach, Life Coach & Leadership Development Mentor

But if what you do is carefully select goals that are: * really important to you * backed by a plan and a support structure to make them come true then you are well on your way to joining the privileged minority of very successful people who have mastered goal setting. What type of people do I want in my life? What new knowledge, skills, experiences do I want to achieve? And if you’d like to explore how coaching with me might help you reach your most important goals, please feel free to send me an EMAIL

Coaching Topics: Anyone You Know Highly Stressed or Burning Out?

Good science has demonstrated real, enduring happiness boils down to being engaged emotionally in your work and personal life (caring about it), feeling like your gifts are regularly being used or expressed, having a good measure of autonomy, and living your life in a way that provides meaning. If you are sick of struggling away by yourself and want to work together to learn how to attract more ideal clients, I invite you to see why over 500 coaches have chosen this program as a practical and step by step approach to build a far more successful coaching practice. The program includes 1 to 1 calls with me, and small and large group calls, to support participants to learn all about marketing coaching services, find their niche, build their confidence, grow as a coach, build a website that works, figure out social media, write, speak and network, etc, and generally find a few reliable ways to routinely connect with enough ideal clients – in a way that has integrity and suits their personality. For My Fellow Coaches I have recently put up new videos talking about Confidence For Coaches, Doing Year End/New Year Planning Sessions and one in which I share 3 Key Under-Discussed Marketing Tips (or Resolutions) to my Facebook Page.

Business Coach, Life Coach & Leadership Development Mentor

If you find yourself worrying about your business and still struggling to attract enough ideal clients, please know I will be starting the Fall 2016 edition of my affordable group marketing program for coaches, shortly. This long running program has seen over 500 coaches get the individualized support they need, proceed at their own pace, overcome their unique challenges and find their road to greater commercial success. It is a combination of 1 to 1 work with me, large group calls, and small group calls to support you in finding an authentic and personal path to greater success as a coach. For those of you needing to accumulate additional Mentor hours for your next ICF credential, I have put together an affordable program (which is far less expensive than pure 1 to 1 support) that is a combination of small group calls and individual mentoring with me.

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