That’s because it is now our job to know the latest and greatest on all things hemp, CBD, marijuana, regulation, deregulation, research, scientific studies, product integration, marketing, and even the renegades running amuck in scenes playing out a bit like the Wild, Wild West.
Meanwhile, much of the exhibits dotting the tradeshow floor were what you would expect: start-ups and mom-and-pop operations looking to cash in on an early opportunity without the marketing power, industry research capabilities, or sheer business know-how to make a lasting impact on a business vertical desperately hungry for a responsible leader to champion the segment.
Our introduction to the power of PR in the CBD space came when Tariq Farid, the founder and CEO of our franchise client Edible®, decided to make hemp-derived products the focus of his next entrepreneurial venture.
With all of these major advances, it’s no surprise that Edible’s DFW franchisees were the first to express interest in carrying the new CBD product line.