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All the Stuff from the Stows - from travel to family fun - don't miss any of it on YouTube!

Boston, MA.

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How to Use Coupons at BJ's Wholesale Club

That means you get to use BJ’s issued coupons along with manufacturers’ coupons to help you save even more money for your family. You can use one BJ’s coupon, plus up to four manufacturers’ coupons! From here on out I’ll never shop at BJ’s again without my manufacturers’ coupons. I am a BJ’s Blogger Ambassador and this is a sponsored post on behalf of BJ’s Wholesale Club.

The North Fork Wineries of Long Island

Last November, just at the tail-end of the season, I took my sister on a media trip to Long Island Wine Country. Jo-Ann is the owner and operator of Vintage Tours and she was incredible – so knowledgable about the entire area, answering our questions, dropping us off everywhere we needed to be and most importantly, acting as our designated driver as we sipped our way through the North Fork wineries. • stops at local farm stands for fresh produce and homemade goods Our first stop on a cold, damp November day was Waters Crest Winery, where we sipped some award winning wines and had a fantastic boxed lunch waiting for us. We got to taste some of his blended wines and learned that the North Fork area’s soil matched that of the Bordeaux area in France, making for some lovely red wine!

What to Get Teachers at the End of the School Year

But every June, we’re all scrambling for new ideas on what to get for our kids’ beloved teachers, coaches and bus drivers. Inside each summer tote was a bottle of white wine wrapped up in a pretty beach towel! – it’d be terrible if your child smashed a bottle of wine on the sidewalk while trying to get on the school bus – what a waste, ya know? I know it gets crazy and things certainly do add up quickly, but I like to recognize all the hard work put in all year round by these super duper important folks in my kids’ lives.

Join Us at Mommybites Boston MNO {Giveaway} and a Safety 1st Twitter Party on March 25th

Happy spring, mamas! Hard to believe that it’s actually spring around here with the whipping winds, lingering snow squalls and frigid temperatures. But I did see the most beautiful sunrise this morning as I set out bright and early for a dance competition with Emily

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