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Individual and couples counselor

Social Audience 8
  • Family and Relationships
Perfectionism and Pressure. What you can do about it

To be proficient at your job, have an organized home and generally feel like your life is in order. When you’re not doing something as well as you’d like, or you’re having problems because of anxiety, try to coolly and calmly accept it. When you try harder and place pressure on yourself to do things in a precise and perfect way, you make yourself miserable, and you may actually hurt your performance. Talking to an experienced Therapist about these techniques, as well as, the origins of your perfectionism, can dramatically reduce your self-imposed pressure and increase your happiness!

Sarah Parker Licensed Marriage and Family Therapy

As we grow increasingly more dependent on technology in our lives, we can forget some of the time-honored practices that remind our Partners how much we value their presence in our lives. Here are some effortless ways to demonstrate our affection: Greet each other in the morning and tell each other good night at the end of each day Thank your Partner for something they did that day that was helpful Compliment them on one of their personal qualities, such as, kindness or patience Participate in a fun activity that the two of you enjoy Perfectionism and Pressure.

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