After spending nearly thirteen-hundred words ruminating on the red pill philosophy and some possible solutions, Ross Douthat at The New York Times came to the conclusion that incel culture is a problem that will solve itself after sex work is legalized and regulated and sex robot technology comes of age.
Mr. Douthat know that the men who subscribe to the red pill philosophy won’t be “sated” or “solved” by the legalization of sex work because incels tend to hate sex workers as reliably as they hate women in any other profession.
Christian Picciolini, a former “lost and lonely” teenager who was radicalized by women-hating white nationalists, recently sat for an NPR interview to talk about the events in Charlottesville last year, the larger white supremacist and MRA community, and what, in his view, is the rational way to approach and successfully reach and “de-program” these people.
Our hundreds of years of fetishizing economic and social rivalry, our general lack of public infrastructure and decent healthcare, our deafening silence about mental health in particular, and our corporate-owned media, which is happy to broadcast everyday horrors for ratings but far less likely to broadcast solutions, have all added up to an almost fundamentally broken society that rewards spectacle instead of compassion.