Nancy's List

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Non-profit for cancer survivors and those who love and care for them.

Social Audience 2K
  • Industries
  • Education
  • Eldercare
  • Paranormal Phenomena
  • Healthy Living
  • Wellness
  • Women's Health
  • Medical Health
Renee Pfeffer, MA, LPC

No one will ever go through cancer aloneMy Name is Nancy Novack I Am With You I enjoy working with older adolescents and adults on a variety of issues such as grief, depression, anxiety, chronic illness, abuse, and other life circumstances. As a certified EMDR therapist, I work with you to bring resolution in areas where you may feel stuck, have a negative belief, patter, or just looking for breakthrough

Wellness House

No one will ever go through cancer aloneMy Name is Nancy Novack I Am With You Psychosocial care can heal your whole self Cancer reaches every aspect of your life. Beyond the medical, it touches on social, emotional, physical, spiritual, and psychological health for those diagnosed, caregivers, and loved ones

CNS Lymphoma Survivor

No one will ever go through cancer aloneMy Name is Nancy Novack I Am With You I am a brain cancer (Primary CNS lymphoma) survivor, in my third year of remission. I learned a lot during my entire year of chemo treatment, and during my second year of recovery; my doctors recommended me to sign into their holistic program with the neuro-oncology students at Columbia Medical Center in NYC

Wellness House of Annapolis

No one will ever go through cancer aloneMy Name is Nancy Novack I Am With You The mission of Wellness House of Annapolis is to provide support, education, and services to help individuals and families who have been touched by cancer recover their health and well-being in a home-like environment. Wellness House of Annapolis is a gathering place where cancer patients and their loved ones can learn healthy coping skills while dealing with the effects of cancer

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