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At 28 I quit my job in TV to travel the world and find new experiences. I blog and vlog on local travel, coffee culture and social impact in Europe and beyond.

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Chasing Travel: A travel blog fuelled by Culture & Coffee

There was one café which we didn’t get a chance to visit on our tour because they were closed for renovations, but at this point we had just had three full-size coffees and my caffeine jitters were kicking in, so it’s safe to say we didn’t mind saving it for another day! If you geek out about coffee like me, or you just love to drink it, I highly recommend this tour with Impulse Travel. I learned on this tour that’s a big misconception and that, in the specialty world, filter coffee can be good quality and tasteful. Impulse Travel is dedicated to responsible and sustainable travel so we especially liked that all the cafés on this tour support locally sourced coffee & coffee farmers in Colombia.

Chasing Travel: A travel blog fuelled by Culture & Coffee

Who knew good coffee could be found in a beer-drinking, once-socialist culture like Czech Republic? In Prague, fair trade baristas and artisan roasters have put Czechs on the craft coffee map in Europe. Now, about 3

Chasing Travel: A travel blog fuelled by Culture & Coffee

On my trip to Poland I also had the chance to discover local Polish food in the country’s capital, Warsaw. If I had to compare them, I would say they are almost like American jelly doughnuts or Canadian Timbits (but wayy tastier). Rather than pick up fresh food to cook at home, Hala Koszyki is a casual sit-down market hall surrounded by more than 15 different open-kitchen food stalls cooking up a fusion of global dishes ready to eat – from Indian to Mexican, to Japanese sushi, Jamaican jerk, Thai curry, and Italian gelato. During my tour of Poland, I was a guest of JayWay Travel, which provides customized and personalized trip itineraries in Europe, including your very own personal local rep on the ground to help you get the most out of a city.

Chasing Travel: A travel blog fuelled by Culture & Coffee

In Krakow (pronounced crak-ov), the best places to eat Polish food were ones recommended to me by local people. There are so many kinds of pierogis to try that’s why the best place to eat pierogis in Krakow is at a pierogi kitchen. Traditional polish sauerkraut and meat stew is the ultimate Polish comfort food. No Polish food experience is complete without eating sausage from Krakow’s first food truck.

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