Patricia Prijatel

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Surviving Triple-Negative Breast Cancer is a thorough explanation of TNBC diagnosis, prognosis and treatment.

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Study Shows Mammography Saves Lives

R. Edward Hendrick, PhD, of the University of Colorado School of Medicine, “ Recent reviews of mammography screening have focused media attention on some of the risks of mammography screening, such as call-backs for additional imaging and breast biopsies, downplaying the most important aspect of screening—that finding and treating breast cancer early saves women's lives. Our study provides evidence of just how effective the combination of early detection and modern breast cancer treatment have been in averting breast cancer deaths,” said

Weight Gain Associated with TNBC Risk

Although obesity has been strongly related to breast cancer risk, studies examining whether weight loss might reduce postmenopausal women’s risk have provided mixed results. To examine the issue, Rowan Chlebowski, MD, PhD, of the City of Hope National Medical Center in Duarte, California, and his colleagues analyzed information on 61,335 women participating in the World Health Initiative Observational Study who had no prior breast cancer and had normal mammogram results. Women with weight loss at 5 percent or more had a 12 percent lower breast cancer risk compared with stable weight women, with no interaction by body mass index. These are observational results, but they are also supported by randomized clinical trial evidence from the Women's Health Initiative Dietary Modification trial where, in a randomized clinical trial setting, adopting a low-fat dietary pattern that was associated with a similar magnitude of weight loss resulted in a significant improvement in breast cancer overall survival.

Nanoparticles Improve TNBC treatment

The chemotherapy drug doxorubicin encapsulated in nanoparticles an be especially effective in treating triple-negative breast cancer, according to a study published in Precision Nanomedicine Researchers found that increased cell kill in triple-negative breast cancer cells was associated with the smallest size of nanoparticles and the slowest release of doxorubicin. "Nanomedicine is a very exciting avenue in modern drug development," said Adam Friedman, MD, director of the Supportive Oncodermatology Clinic at GW Cancer Center, professor of dermatology at the George Washington School of Medicine and Health Sciences , and senior author of the study. "Nanotechnology offers many benefits, including the ability to purposefully customize your drug or diagnostic at the atomic scale, enhancing its ability to interact with its biological target and improve outcomes and potentially safety." Friedman acknowledges that this study is an initial step, but it "provides clues for new potential strategies utilizing and manipulating nanotechnology to overcome cancer cell drug resistance.

Eating Bacon Might Increase Your Breast Cancer Risk

reviewed previous research on the link between meat consumption and breast cancer risk and concluded that processed meat increases your breast cancer risk significantly. Researchers found that eating processed meat was associated with a 9% higher breast cancer risk. Interestingly, they found no significant association between red (unprocessed) meat intake and risk of breast cancer. Of the 15 studies, two found a greater link between a diet of processed meat and ER-negative cancers.

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