Jo Taylor

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VISIT MY WEB SITE To give patients an informed choice of Surgeons, Consultants, Hospitals, Surgeries and up to date news and information for Breast Cancer and Reconstructions.

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Mary now has a terminal disease, there are drugs and trials out there in the rest of the world but she can’t access them because she lives in the UK. Sadly, the system is outdated and not fit for purpose for many NHS patients

ABC4 – Advanced Breast Cancer 4 Lisbon Portugal – October 2017

The session first was about what metastatic breast cancer was and how it’s treated, how they find out how many people are dealing with MBC, treatments and what was available, the ABC Global Alliance and the 10 goals thy are looking to address, why resistance happens, what treatments available for patients. The next day I arrived at the conference centre early to meet Corinne the organiser and social media controller with Diogo and Joanna who were both breast cancer Oncologists living and working in Lisbon at two different hospitals. Saturday was a 1/2 day closure of the conference and it was a day when the Oncologists and experts got together to vote and change details on articles written for the standards of care around metastatic breast cancer in Europe. This is the Fred Hutch cancer centre blog about Beth Caldwell’s Impact on metastatic breast cancer If you wish to donate to the fund for supporting clinical research for metastatic breast cancer patients then please click on the link below as donations are still being added.

ABC4 – Advanced Breast Cancer 4 Lisbon Portugal – October 2017

The session first was about what metastatic breast cancer was and how it’s treated, how they find out how many people are dealing with MBC, treatments and what was available, the ABC Global Alliance and the 10 goals thy are looking to address, why resistance happens, what treatments available for patients. The next day I arrived at the conference centre early to meet Corinne the organiser and social media controller with Diogo and Joanna who were both breast cancer Oncologists living and working in Lisbon at two different hospitals. Saturday was a 1/2 day closure of the conference and it was a day when the Oncologists and experts got together to vote and change details on articles written for the standards of care around metastatic breast cancer in Europe. This is the Fred Hutch cancer centre blog about Beth Caldwell’s Impact on metastatic breast cancer If you wish to donate to the fund for supporting clinical research for metastatic breast cancer patients then please click on the link below as donations are still being added.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2018

And remember primary breast cancer can is curable for around 2/3 of people with early stage cancer will NEVER develop secondary (metastatic or stage 4) breast cancer. Secondary breast cancer can happen immediately – friends I know, very intelligent friends, who have been diagnosed ‘De novo’ which means there is a primary somewhere It provides the “red flag symptoms” of secondary breast cancer that many patients don’t know about. A friend Sara from Tick off Breast Cancer has looked into where monies go for “research” and came up with this list of charities if you are looking to donate you should check out this list below Research Charities what they do and where you should donate your money if you fund raise or give regularly

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