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Member Since JULY 09, 2018
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Winter Whites: Pieces That'll Take You From Winter Into Spring

Fast forward into my fifties, and I’m literally obsessed with it, and want to wear it all year long. Like any other monochrome look though, I believe in texture, texture and more texture. Texture adds chicness, and elevates an all white look..that might possibly look washed out otherwise. Since I’m working on purchasing pieces that I can get the most bang for my buck out of, I want them to be multi seasonal.

My Experience With Blogging: The Update

I’m doing things that I would’ve never ever done normally, like reaching out to strangers, veteran bloggers that have been in the industry for a minute, to ask their advice, without fear of rejection (believe me I’ve experienced a lil bit..lol) and One thing I’ve noticed in my experience, is like in a lot of industries, some people (especially my ladies, I’m just saying) are very tight lipped and competitive. I know that it’s gonna take a lot more hard work, so I’m prepared to grind…that way I can pull my chair up to the table and eat well (insert smiley face). One thing I know for sure is..this journey has opened my eyes and heart up to the unlimited growth that we can experience in our lives, if we just believe in ourselves and step out on faith.

My Experience Posting To Instagram Every Day For A Month

I like the word dare because lord knows posting to instagram everyday, and my other personal challenge, that I won’t get into right now, was like extracting a tooth without an anesthetic..lol. The first thing that I would like to make clear is personally I never felt that posting to instagram everyday is the, or only way to grow ones account. What I did learn is that posting to Instagram everyday, keeping up engagement on my own post, and engaging with the community that I’m a part of, is down right brutal. Posting to Instagram everyday..for thirty one days straight was definitely a challenge for me, and I don’t plan on that ever being my thing..ever.

The Puffer Coats You Need Now: 2020

The Winter is fast approaching, and there’s no other coat that you absolutely must have in your wardrobe, then a good puffer coat. I love a good stylish wool coat just as much as the next gal, but when its time to stay warm for real, a puffer it is. I love a good puffer coat that has a certain amount of edge to it, like the one I’m wearing here. Below I’ve linked puffer coats of various styles to give you guys an idea of your options when it comes to choosing any puffer coat.

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