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The Vivienne Files explores the possibilities of capsule wardrobes and travel wardrobes, using art and nature as our inspiration.

Member Since JULY 09, 2018
Social Audience 5K
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  • Women's Fashion
  • Travel
  • Traveling
Start with a Scarf: Revisiting Tiger in the Grass by Echo

But she’s changing her color scheme to something softer and more approachable; after her last visit, she doesn’t need to be as assertive as before! The balance of the long weekend is going to be casual – informal conversations and projects, so she packs an assortment of relaxed clothes that all still echo the colors of her scarf, albeit in a lighter and softer palette… … Do you have “softer” versions of your favorite wardrobe colors? I guess I could make the case that my new favorite pink is a softer version of red, right?

March 2021 Start with a Bracelet: The Illuminated Lynx

And the agenda is very relaxed; she’s been assured that some participants will show up in sweat clothes and wear ONLY sweat clothes the entire time. But she still wants to feel comfortable and appropriate, while at the same time reminding herself of the certainty that the sun will return… When she gets all of her things together, she feels like she has a good handle on getting dressed for what will be (for her) a pretty ground-breaking adventure: Just so she isn’t going to worry about how she will get dressed each day, she plans out an abundance of outfits before she closes her suitcase: Of course, she could always sleep in her sweatshirt dress, or wear her pajama top as a tee shirt, or her pajama pants with a yellow tee shirt… Four years ago, we started with a lovely floral scarf and finished up a full-year wardrobe for a retired heroine with a fondness for flowers!

Weekly Timeless Wardrobe #2 – Dark Neutral Tee Shirt

I’m going to try to replicate the 13 items for Spring in my own wardrobe, soon… This is a great color – hard to find, but lovely, warm and rich: If you feel like your skirt’s a little bit dressy, a simple tee shirt will bring down the dressiness quotient a lot! We’ve talked a lot about keeping short-sleeved shirts handy in the cold weather. For me, when I’m leaving home but headed someplace that I KNOW will be warmer (like a doctor’s office), I find that my tee shirts are really handy

Little Things Can Make a Difference...

Sunday is World Down Syndrome Day – and wearing snazzy socks is one way that they suggest we observe the day! If you haven’t seen a blue sky in a LONG time, you could bring your own blue into your wardrobe: These next pieces feel very much like spring to me! Is there a day that wouldn’t be better while wearing taco socks? Just 2 years ago we pondered 10 ways to wear a blue dress; if you’re thinking of getting a new dress for Spring, this might be a good reference!

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