Radio Meltdown

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An adult content radio station. Listen from our web page or put in your player or send us a request by typing !request Artist - Title!

Social Audience 1K
  • Books and Literature
  • Awards Shows
  • Radio Control
  • Music and Audio
  • College Radio
  • Country Music
  • Rock Music
  • Horror Movies

I am planning a series of Shows, starting in the New Year, called "Decades of Favourites", but for this I need the help of both listeners and DJs. If you are not able to come up with a song for all of these decades, please feel free to simply send in the ones you can think of songs for. I thought it would be a particularly fitting start to the new decade to feature songs that are favourites of all the people involved in Radio Meltdown and would ideally like to have a show featuring each decade only. If you have any questions regarding the songs, please feel free to email me at this address, or simply grab me when I am around on IRC.

Happy Anniversary to us all!

Seven years have passed since we had this crazy idea of starting a radio station and this journey has been amazing! people that helped, in their own special way, shape what Radio Meltdown is today. Like all journeys, we've had ups and downs, but we can honestly say there are more good memories than bad ones!The last seven years we shared happiness, laughter, funny stories, tears, smiles, frowns, love, new music, new friendship, among other things.

DJ`Chris Tribute Show

On Friday, the 15th June from 9am (which was Thursday, 14th June 9pm to midnight, Radio Meltdown time), I was privileged to host a special Birthday Tribute Show for Chris on what would have been his 52nd birthday. Chris was one of the first DJ’s ever for Radio Meltdown, and was known by a few different names – Chris, Chris[v], DJ`Chris, Kitchen bitch, Vamp’s soul mate and light… to name a few. He had an incredible love for Vamp, for music – in particular the hair bands of the 80s, for DJing, and for his rifles.

Just to say...

Last week was the 6 year anniversary of Radio Meltdown. We've had our ups and downs - luckily more ups than downs - but even during the down moments, be it going on air or simply being part of this amazing family, gets you back on your feet. I went on air with Shoobie – my best friend and partner in crime on this amazing journey - after being surprised by all the wonderful messages from both DJs and listeners. We laughed and we cried tears of happiness at all the support you continue to give us.

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