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Elle Field is the author of Kept, Lost, B-Side and Found (Arielle Lockley series) and Geli Voyante's Hot or Not.

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Iceland: Where to eat in Reykjavik

Our trip to Reykjavik was full of delicious meals. This is usually the hope wherever we are, at home or away, but on holiday we want to leave a restaurant with happy tummies - this was especially the case in Reykjavik, a city everyone warned us was super expensive when it came to eating out

Iceland: Exploring the south coast

_The Month That Was One thing I really wanted to do when visiting Iceland was visit a glacier. Jökulsárlón caught my attention, even though it’s located 400km from Reykjavik, but after reading Gray Line’s excellent reviews for their south coast and Jokulsarlon glacier lagoon day tour, these convinced me to book - despite a 14-hour day trip, minimum (our trip took 15

Iceland: The Blue Lagoon and lunch at Lava

_The Month That Was Iceland: The Blue Lagoon and lunch at Lava The Blue Lagoon is one of Iceland's most well-known "must-dos" and one that a lot of people include on their bucket lists. A geothermal spa which is set in a volcanic black lava field about a 15-minute drive from Keflavik airport and 45 minutes from central Reykjavik, it's also one of Iceland's pricier attractions

Iceland: The Northern lights

_The Month That Was One of the top reasons we wanted to go to Iceland was to try and see the Northern lights, especially after reading that solar activity, which is what causes them, will lessen after March 2019 and will stay that way until late 2021 (solar activity runs in a 11-year cycle). What can I say, we lucked out

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