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URL: CONTACT: { A Style Blog by Alexandra Grant }

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My Pre-Trip Checklist (Free Download)

I recently shared on my Insta Story the pretty utilitarian but very handy checklist that I use before every trip and in a poll, you guys overwhelmingly (like 99. 9%) voted for me to share a free download on here

How to Layer Jewelry

We’re lucky in so many ways here in Vancouver: we have the ocean and mountains side-by-side, we have unreal drinking water, we have an incredible culinary scene (seriously, the sushi here!!!) and we have so much amazing design talent here. Whether it’s big names like Aritzia, or Herschel or local artisans, it’s really easy to support local when you live in a city replete with so much incredible talent

Two Summer Accessories To Wear Now

While I may be born in the spring, I’m really a summer baby through and through—I live for summertime every year and find any excuse to bring in summery vibes as early as possible to my life, whether that’s diving into the ocean a bit earlier than most (why you’ve gotta build up that cold tolerance) or adding in doses of summer style come spring! Fortunately, there are two accessories in particular that not only look totally natural with spring but really elevate a look giving it a bit of a boho edge. Exhibit 1: the basket bag

The Prettiest Canals in Amsterdam

It was home to a lot of sugar and paint factories historically, and at its end connects to Prinsengracht, one of the main canals of the city and the home to Anne Frank’s house. Near the of you’ll find this gorgeous cross-canal—to me, Leidsegracht is one of the best canals for seeing those very typical Amsterdam canal houses all in a row, with a particularly perfect view of a few of them without being obscured by trees (though you’ll be lucky if you can get it without cars! ). It’s the second of the four main canals that connect the whole city (seriously, looking at the map gives you so much and admiration for the planning that went into creating these canals! ). It’s really the way to see the city, and Amsterdam’s not that big

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