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Random Rants about Living with Multiple Sclerosis in an "empty nest" and exploring uncharted territory in my 40's. Please join me on my adventure :)

Social Audience 52
  • Family and Relationships
  • Parenting
  • Healthy Living
  • Pop Culture
  • Real Estate
  • Traveling
Say what you mean, and mean what you say

While I think my parents are incredible people, they are mere mortals, yet somehow they made sure I learned that two wrongs don’t make a right, and jumping off bridges because friends did it are NOT very good behaviors to practice. Seriously?!?!? Because several states/countries that have been experiencing some form of “lockdown” due to Covid-19, are thinking about “reopening” or limiting restrictions that were placed on their citizens this week several people have been attempting to discuss their state or countries decisions. Regardless of the specific question asked, my reply always includes the statement, “I am not afraid of getting the virus, (If it happens it happens) however, PEOPLE AND THEIR ACTIONS are scaring the hell out of me. For the past 5 months, I have had a somewhat different (imo stricter) set of  restrictions placed on myself than most people have in the United States.

Check out my New Implants!!!

Well that’s not ALL that I talk about, but since there is not much that I can do without it affecting me, yes I talk about my foot A LOT. Secondly, while there is still no end in sight about the amount of time I will be non- weight bearing and in a cast, the incisions appear to be healing well and I am no longer in much pain. Third, while I swear I have not put any weight on my right foot, I can’t say that I haven’t been a bit self destructive during my recovery. Not only did I have a bit of an obsession with tearing apart one of my casts, but I also attempted to go down two stairs by myself and ended up being launched from the wheelchair.

A Dog’s Purpose

The other night, while strolling through the 179 channels of nothing that we pay too much for, I came across the movie A Dogs Purpose. but I learned my lesson with Marley and Me after I barely recovered from the ending of Old Yeller some 45 years ago. An aside, I can watch the worst horror movie jam packed with gratuitous sex, entrails hanging from the rafters and enough blood to fill a swimming pool and I will sit, unflinching as I munch popcorn. But I lose my mind if an animal is harmed, especially a dog.

Wheelchairs are NOT the enemy?!?!

I’m not saying that I am excited about being in a wheelchair AGAIN, or that you should rush out and buy one, but after having to use a wheelchair many times over the last 20 years, I can FINALLY acknowledge that in some ways it makes my life easier. My legs have become so much weaker over the years that even a “quick run” to the grocery store wears me out and makes falling more likely. The more I push myself though, the stronger my arms are becoming, which in turn is making other “everyday tasks” easier to do. When I am rolling around or backing up, I make noises like a race car or a construction vehicle backing up… Beep beep beep….

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