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Our vision: A world without Alzheimer's!Visit us at 24/7 Helpline: 800.272.3900

Social Audience 48K
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Advocates turn DC purple to #ENDALZ

That’s exactly what 60 advocates from Northern California and Northern Nevada did last week, when they participated in the Alzheimer’s Impact Movement (AIM) Advocacy Forum. They asked their Senators and Representatives to support funding and legislation that would help those currently living with Alzheimer’s and take steps to increase dementia research. Chuck was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in 2013 and died from Alzheimer’s in November 2017. The highlight of my trip occurred while sitting among the 1200 participants that were gathered as caregivers; those, like myself, who had lost beloved ones; and those who were presently living with Alzheimer’s.

Fighting Alzheimer’s through the arts…and cars

Her daughter, Julie Nelson, is honoring Helen’s creativity with “Cars, Crafts and Community for the Cure,” a fundraiser for The Longest Day. While Helen passed away within 18 months of being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in 2011, Julie noticed that things weren’t quite right years before Helen’s diagnosis. Julie’s son, Ryan Nelson, created and ran the family’s event for The Longest Day. The family is combining Julie and Katrina’s love of arts and crafts with Ryan’s interest in cars.

Volunteers are the heart of the Alzheimer’s Association

In 1980, a group of family caregivers and individuals recognized the need for an organization that would unite caregivers, provide support to those facing Alzheimer’s and advance research into the disease. For National Volunteer Week, we asked a few of our staff to share some of the important work our volunteers do throughout the chapter. We wish we’d had time to film a personal thank you to each and every volunteer, but that might take all year! We will never be able to fully express the amount of gratitude we have for each and every second you donate to help move our mission forward.

Pauline’s passion: teaching others about Alzheimer’s

Inspired by a grandfather’s determination to educate others despite his own great health challenges, Pauline leads the chapter’s training programs for family caregivers and community professionals. Pauline has been the Education Services Manager for the past 5 ½ years, overseeing community education, professional training programs and chapter conferences. In the Living with Alzheimer’s and Savvy Caregiver series, family caregivers get to troubleshoot symptoms their loved ones may be showing. I want them to know about community resources that are available,” Pauline shared, “including services through the Alzheimer’s Association.

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