My appearance is pretty classically feminine, i.e. long hair, makeup and in a skirt or dress 99% of the time, so I really like the contrast of wearing a masculine scent and the way the right fragrance paired with the right outfit makes you feel like a total badass.
I had actually smelled Tobacco Vanille on paper and found it underwhelming, but I was at the Tom Ford counter buying Tuscan Leather for my boyfriend’s birthday (because a) Tom Ford and b) baby boy Drake) and I spoke to the sales assistant about testing fragrances on your skin.
I so wanted to love Eau Duelle because on paper it sounds like exactly my thing, but what I really wanted was for it to make me smell like the Vanille candle, which it doesn't.
Again, this fragrance is unisex and if you're made of money you could layer it with another favourite perfume because I think the idea is that it's so subtle it may not necessarily register as perfume to other people, just like pheromones can have an effect without us being conscious of them.