Elizabeth Kelsey

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Travel & lifestyle writer in Portland. I share my love for wellness, fashion, and good food with my 50k awesome followers on Pinterest & Instagram.

In addition to my social media, I run a travel blog and a site for holistic, creative bloggers & entrepreneurs.

Location Portland, OR PNW
Country United States of America
Member Since AUGUST 29, 2019
Social Audience 65K
  • Moz DA 26
sattvicfamily.net Last Month
  • Moz DA 22

This member has not connected a professional Instagram account.

  • Books and Literature
  • Career Advice
  • Bars & Restaurants
  • Education
  • Parenting
  • Healthy Living
  • Real Estate
  • Travel Locations
  • Travel Preparation
  • Traveling
Paperless Post Review: Why I recommend it to friends & clients

Why Life Coaches/Health Coaches should send cards to clients and industry peers Coaches and holistic professionals love to make sure that our clients are happy. Sending cards in some form to former and current clients ( and even influencers we want to connect with) can make a big impression, especially if said cards look good and most importantly, have a heart-felt message. After a client has had a big win or hit a milestone Apart from sending eCards from Paperless Post to clients, I’ve also been using their service to create a flier for my daughter’s birthday party. You sadly don’t get life-time access to a design/card once you’ve purchased it as you pay for each time you send a card.

How to work with me this year (new Blog Audits available)

I’m excited to be creating several mini courses, which are affordable ways for you to learn all about how social media, blogging, and personal branding can help your blog and coaching business. Because I’m not currently accepting new coaching clients, I’ve decided to offer Blog Audits via email so I can give you my top tips on what to change or do with your blog/personal brand/social media strategy in a simple email you can refer to. After I receive payment via Paypal, I send you via email a questionnaire to fill out regarding your coaching biz and online platform ( blog, brand, social media). Please note I’m not a Business Coach and my area of expertise is with crafting blog content that rocks and social media strategies that help you build your personal brand.

Protecting your eyes when working long hours online

Thankfully, Spektrum reached out to me to let me know about their glasses which help protect one’s eyes from the damaging affects of staring at computer screens. However, as blue light emitting devices such as smartphone screens and overhead lighting command more and more time in front of our eyes, blue light exposure has begun to reach disruptive or even unhealthy levels for many people with modern lifestyles. Staring at a screen for long hours is really bad for our eyes, and it can throw off our natural sleep cycle, which I believe is one of the reasons I personally struggle with falling asleep at night. If you’ve been getting headaches or have had issues falling asleep, learn more about blue light emitted from our computer screens here.

Why you should take shilajit

As part of our new holistic lifestyle series on the blog, I’m featuring products, services, and items that not only help you thrive as a Life Coach ( or Health Coach of course) Shilajit is a borderline cure-all, due to the tar-like substance’s health properties which include fulvic acid. Because I’m not a huge fan of the smokey taste of shilajit, I mix it with a powdered ginger that we buy from the supermarket that’s basically an aged then ground form of ginger, and it mixes quickly with water and basically kills the taste. Why Health Coaches should consider recommending it to clients If you are a Health Coach that helps clients overcome stress or ( lack of) energy issues, consider recommending they try shilajit, with perhaps some adaptogenic herbs like gynostemma.

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