Movie Trivia Schmoedown

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This is the Movie Trivia Schmoedown. The league has been running since 2014. We are approaching our 6th season. We have a general movie knowledge division covering all genres as well as teams in the same knowledge base. We have the Innergeekdom division covering films such as Star Wars, LOTR, Harry Potter, Star Trek, MCU, DCEU, etc….

We have champions, rankings, factions, feuds, live events. The fan base is ravenous and we hope you come along for the journey!

You will find movie reviews on this channel from the creators of the Schmoedown, Kristian Harloff and Mark Ellis who were the first Youtube certified movie reviewers on Rotten Tomatoes in 2012.*

You will also find the series FILM NEGATIVE by Chris Hartwell on this channel.

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