Yoga Moves MS

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Yoga Moves MS is a non-profit organization providing adaptive yoga classes for people living with Multiple Sclerosis and other neurological disorders.

Social Audience 481
  • Education
  • Eldercare
  • Hobbies & Interests
  • Healthy Living
  • Senior Health
  • Wellness
  • Medical Health
  • Spirituality
Virtual Workshops with a Purpose

Brach Tis the time for giving and receiving Virtual Workshops with a Purpose Join YMMS for 10 special workshops designed for your exploration, restoration and self-care Once our mind is focused and calm, we will explore simple mantras and ways to meditate to release negative energy that causes depression and anxiety.(Saturday, December 5, 2020 at 2:00pm to 3pm) Virtual Relaxing concert with Zara: Dory will offer you guided chakra meditation and teach you simple ways to care for yourself through chakra healing.(December 17th, 11:30am to 12:30pm) Restorative set-up and practice and Tong Len meditation with Jill: Restorative yoga is about being and letting go through the use of multiple blankets, pillows, blocks, soft lights, silence and rest. Two poses will be offered, followed by a guided meditation taken from the traditional Tibetan Buddhist practice of Tong Len, (taking and giving), that focuses on generosity and loving kindness that will open your heart.

Art Van Charity Challenge 2018

Yoga Moves MS has been chosen as one of the charities for Art Van Charity Challenge. We are participating in the Art Van Charity Challenge and have an opportunity  to win from $10,000 to $50,000. We are asking our students and teachers to join the challenge by creating a team under yoga moves MS and than send this request to friends and family. Just Make sure that the site has the Art Van Charity Challenge Logo and that you join the challenge from our page “Yoga Moves MS”  so we get the benefit of donations.

How Yoga Can Help Those With Multiple Sclerosis – Physically and Emotionally

Adaptive yoga can reduce some symptoms of MS, as well as relieve the anxiety many people with MS feel. I was skeptical because I didn’t see how yoga could help my MS,” Zuccarini says. Zuccarini attended a class at Yoga Moves MS, a Michigan nonprofit organization founded by the yoga instructor Mindy Eisenberg. Eisenberg says yoga has the potential to lessen several physical symptoms of MS and may contribute to improved strength, flexibility, posture, balance, focus, circulation, digestion, elimination, and pelvic floor health and to decreased tension, fatigue, and spasticity.

Caught by Mindfulness

In 2012, eagerness to help my yoga students with chronic pain led me down the mindfulness path. Little did I know then that it would become a vital part of my being

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