Give your family or love a wearable hug for Christmas, Birthday, Thanksgiving, Mother’s day, Father’s day or just back to school, graduation & prime gift 2020.
This oversize blanket keeps you warm and cozy while you are lounging around the house, watching TV, reading, playing video games, working on your camputer, camping, enjoying sporting event .Perfect for fall campfires, cold mornings at the campground or just cuddling
There is a huge front pocket to hide the remote,phone, snacks,game controller and your arms never get cold.your hands get all the goodness of the soft silky outside material
This snuggly hooide blanket is perfect for cozy holidays, little kids who love blankets, sports fans who go to lots of games , parents who have to drive their kids to school very early in the morning, students who are now working from home, people who like outdoor living (bonfires, lake life, early morning outdoor coffee), people who get cold very easy/live in chilly houses, and the movie night lover!