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CTWorkingMoms.com is a unique combination of fabulous writers and great resources just for working mamas.

Social Audience 13K
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There Is A Special Place In Hell for the First Trimester

Those who have been following my journey know that I have wanted a third child for years, but the timing never seemed quite right. Eventually, my husband and I came to the realization that the timing may never be right, but that that alone should not stop us

Thriving for Me and Them

Now you have a little person that requires every moment of your time and energy. You are not longer the most important person, and your needs suddenly are not as important either. It was not until I was single parenting within my own house, working on discovering and re-discovering parts of myself, did I realize how important it is to still be a person aside from being a parent. The benefits that I get from working out are incredible; my body is strong, my mind is more sharp and powerful, my energy is through the roof, I make healthier food choices, I am more productive and satisfied at work, I feel positive almost all of the time, and the list goes on.

She Did Her Own Stunts

The combination of these two realities meant that I had to drill new holes for each fixture (which required that a borrow a drill) and sink new anchors in the wall to install the fixtures. When I got to the dreaded light fixture, my fear got the best of me. The next day, I installed my new light fixture. I also want her to see me try new things at 40 (like doing an open mic poetry reading or installing my own bathroom fixtures! ) and sometimes reach challenges and hardship along the way.

Part three

When family and friends learned that my mother passed, people reached out full of concern and love. My family’s loss, while not unique to the memory loss community, was actually not full of despair. My husband and I left the kids with his parents, met with the funeral director to sign necessary paperwork, and went to the nursing home to pick up her belongings. That day, there were so many texts and phone calls, friends and family sending love and offering help in any form.

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